Ever heard of off plan house ? Here are why you should consider buying an off-plan property.
Offplan property is a property before a structure has been constructed upon it. Can also come in carcass.
Benefits of buying off-plan houses
– Buying an off-plan property helps you secure a more favorable finance terms.
– You are able to secure a purchase price below the market value.
– Great capital growth can be achieved
– It gives you the ability to resell the property at a profit
– You can save more
– You can have a flexible payment plan by making an initial deposit and spread the balance within 6-24months
You can’t input your own interior design, kitchen finishing etc

Risks of buying off-plan houses in Nigeria
1. Bankruptcy: the developer can go bankrupt and when this happens the creditors can move in and take control of assets.
2. Poor quality: the developer may not use the initially 3D quality he proposed to the the audience. There by going for less quality building materials
3. Project delay ; the developer might not deliver the complete building at the initial delivery date .
All this risks can be avoided if you have good agency that gives you the best selling offplan property by an well experienced developer.
Here are the process involved in buying an off-plan house
1. Make an initial deposit of the fee which is usually a certain amount depending the price of the house .
2. Get your lawyer to ensure legal verification about the property are made . Your lawyer ensures that the property is Authentic and registered
3. You will monitor the construction of the house and pay on installment as agreed on contract .
Lastly upon the completion of the developer will request for the final payment and hands the keys to you. Should you invest in off-plan property? The answer is a Big YES!
Ruby realty will help you get the best off-plan houses in Lagos and Abuja without stress. We can also
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