Global African SHEROES Union (GASU) is pleased to announce the upcoming 68th session of the
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW68), to be held in New York City from
11th to the 22nd of March 2024. GASU will host their event on Thursday, the 21st of March 2024 at
2:00pm EST and on the 8th Floor of the United Nations Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza,
New York, NY 10017.
GASU exists to protect the economic, social, political interest and upward mobility of African women
and their communities. Our global membership is comprised of SHEROES Sisterhood Leaders and
shop/company owners from 22 countries that represent the interest and will of African women in the
country of their origin.
UN CSW68 will bring together representatives from governments, civil society, and international
organizations to discuss and strategize ways to advance gender equality, empower women, and
promote women’s rights worldwide. These year’s theme is Accelerating the achievement of gender
equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening
institutions and financing with a gender perspective.
GASU is organizing an event with its partners, stakeholders, in the interest of the general public on the
theme African Sisterhood as a Business Development Model. The program lined up for the UN
CSW68 parallel event will have participants across the globe joining and will feature an intercultural
panel discussion on solutions addressing poverty, restorative justice, financial growth,
entrepreneurship, income generation and business for Global African Women and Girls.
The program will further explore the contributions and benefits of indigenous knowledge as a
framework for capacity building in spiritual, social, skills and financial development as we continue to
fortify our pledge to “protect our womb, protect our sister and protect our nation.” GASU has invited
their entire SHEROE Sisterhood network to also witness artistic and poetry performances as
acknowledgment of the dire nature of these issues and expressions of innovation to inspire our
GASU supports the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent which aims both to highlight the
contribution of people of African Descent to societies and strengthen national, regional and
international cooperation to ensure the human rights of people of African descent are respected,
promoted and fulfilled.
The side event of GASU has been sponsored by the Institution of Financial Unity will feature esteemed
speakers Madam Angela Sayles, International Host of the GASU and International Executive Director
of Financial Unity, alongside Kim Poole, Founder Emeritus and Executive Director of the Teaching
Artist Institute (TAI) and Dr. Barryl Biekman, GASU Advisory Council, Chief Organizer of the AUADS
High Council, Chair of Sophiedela and Tiye International.
The program will include contributions from members of the SHEROES network including, CJ Dunford,
Sheroes Kentucky and Southeast Region, Ade Olomo, Sheroes Ohio and Midwest Region, Brittany Turner,
Sheroes Houston, Texas Region, Gifty Serwaa Bonsu, Ghana Region, Mariam Fofana, Gambia Region,
Honorable Louise Siaway, Liberia Region and other special and esteemed guests.
Over the years SHEROES has maintained consistency and commitment to the collective interest of
understanding, activating, supporting and improving the socio-economic conditions of African women
and girls beyond their geographic location, religion, tribe and class in a sustainable manner.
GASU is extending an invitation to iconic African women, policy makers, and business experts across
the globe to participate and lend not only their voices, but their extensive wisdom in contributions
towards finding pathways in accelerating the socio-cultural and financial conditions of women in the
continent. African Sisterhood as a Business Model Guide and Workbook coming later this year and
will be available in the United Nations Bookstore. For more information and to register and join GASU
for the UN CSW68 parallel event please visit Global African Sheroes Union at Eventbrite.
Official Media Partners:
African Media News Network and CEO Africa