The Global Africans Against Slavery(GLAAS) a multi-sectoral coalition of relevant stakeholders in the fight against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling (HTMS), committed to a practical, hands on engagement in the fight will be featuring Divine Mercy Nursery and Primary School in Baisa Taraba State Nigeria in their coming Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Storytelling Session for African children to be held on Sunday 26th of May 2024 at 4PM Nigerian time.
Divine Mercy Nursery and Primary school was founded in 1994 with a vision to provide quality education to the children in Baisa community, at the time, most parents in the area were peasant farmers or civil servants who struggled to access good education for their children. Today the school is home to over 600 pupils, mostly from disadvantaged backgrounds.
GLAAS created the Virtual Storytelling Session on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling as a means of sensitizing children on the dangers and ploy of traffickers; it is aimed at enhancing African children’s knowledge about Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling which is one of the gravest danger in the world today, sensitizing them on its precarious nature.

This edition of the storytelling session will be featuring two distinct stories aimed at 2 different age groups under 12, and will be told by the students of the Divine Mercy Primary School themselves. Odilia Anyachi the founder of International African School in Netherlands wrote and submitted “ The Caged Bird” for children under 8, while Rose Wangs wrote and submitted ‘Help from Afar ,far from Help’ from Kenya aimed at those from 8 to 12years,though the sessions will be held together.

The HTMS Storytelling Session for African children will be held virtually on zoom and will be moderated by Angela Sayles of Financial Unity USA who is the financial director of GLAAS, and the Chairperson of GLAAS: Nanahemaa Obaapa Awindor Co founder of African Queens and Women Cultural Leaders Network. Mrs. Imaobong Sanusi the executive Director of Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation (WOTCLEF) and Queen Diambi Kabatusuila Tshiyoyo Muata expected to join the session.
The HTMS Storytelling Session for African Children is the pilot project of GLAAS which it started about a year ago after 3years of strategy planning for the global coalition and has featured renowned storytellers like Ken Nyamyewa, ‘aka’ The Storyteller , Wangs and Mila Zetu all from the East African nation of kenya and Noni Ervin of the Kinara Park Kids.Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking for the purposes of forced labour , sexual exploitation and its other concomitant hazards is the third largest crime industry in the world, behind drugs and arms trafficking and almost one third of human trafficking victims in the world are estimated to be children.