There are only 3 exchanges on which KOIN currently trades. As of today, KOIN is live traded on (KOIN/USD),, and Atomicdex APP (Mobile & Desktop). This is due to a focus on Central Bank Regulated Fiat to KOIN trading.
According to Koinon, a global digital coin and token-based payment platform for both consumer payees and merchants, it does not list KOIN on unregulated global exchanges due to the risk downside potential. It also does not trade against other cryptocurrencies as it believes many have little or no intrinsic value for now and in the future.
Here’s what you need to know about the 3 exchanges on which KOIN is currently traded:
Secdex is a Seychelles Central Bank Licensed and regulated multi-asset exchange and there is only one crypto trading pair – KOIN/USD. Secdex requires full KYC/AML for all account holders whether buy or sell, and the minimum account value is suggested at $100,000.
Currently, there is a 2-million KOIN placement live on SECDEX at $1.00 per KOIN.
KOINON Token – Sector: Market Board; Type: Commodity Token; Symbol: KOIN; CCY: US$; Domiciled: U.S. Virgin Islands; Offered: 2,000,000; Listing price: US$1.00.
There are 3 live KOIN trading pairs on They are KOIN/PAX; KOIN/BUSD; and KOIN/USDP.
All 3 trading pairs are digital asset stablecoins with a value of $1 for each (PAX, BUSD, USDP). Average current price across these 3 trading pairs for KOIN is $1.08.
Volume and trading on Crex24 is low and there are not many KOINS available for sale via Crex24.
3. Atomicdex APP (Mobile & Desktop)
KOIN is custodied and available via Atomicdex (send/receive/swap) against all other coins. There are not many KOINs now available on Atomicdex (5,000 KOIN posted for KMD) in total.
There is a planned KOIN IDO for October 11, 2021. IDO (Initial DEX Offering), which refers to the launching of a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange (DEX), offers better liquidity for crypto assets and enables faster, more open and fair trading. There is very limited supply of KOIN available on any channel before that IDO date.
KOIN IDO will accept the following crypto coins to trade against KOIN: BTC, ETH, USDP (bep20), USDC (Bep20), and KMD. Anyone with these coins deposited to an Atomicdex wallet can sign up to add their wallet to the IDO list to try to swap against KOIN (based on first come first serve) wallets that meet the IDO parameters (to be provided via KOIN IDO website with full details).
Ninety-nine (99) percent of all KOIN trades will need to occur through KOIN IDO when sufficient IDO KOIN sale volume is posted on IDO.
Koinon advises all prospective buyers or traders to direct all enquiries for KOIN allocation prior to the KOIN IDO to [email protected].